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HomeCritical QuestionsIslam's Approach To Science

Islam’s Approach To Science

The knowledge obtained by a certain method and confirmed by practice, whose validity has been accepted and proven, is called science.In the Quran, which is the main source of Islam, Muslims are often asked questions such as, “Wouldn’t you make sense?” “Do you not think?” [1] With verses that constantly encourage learning new information [2], Allah has repeatedly drawn attention to the importance of acquiring knowledge.

The revelation of the Quran first began with the order “Read!”[3] However, when the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him ) immigrated to Medina, he had a masjid (prayer place) and a madrasa (lecture place) built right next to his house. Students always stayed in this madrasa and were always busy with science education. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) constantly encouraged people to learn knowledge. One of his many words about this is “Whoever embarks on a path to acquire knowledge, Allah will make the path to Paradise easy for him.” [4]

According to Islam, it is believed that if a person leaves behind good works and works that benefit him, even after his death, angels will write good deeds in that person’s book of deeds [5]. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) drew attention with his words on this subject saying, “When a human being dies, the reward of all his deeds comes to an end. Three things are exempt from this: Charity Ever flowing [6], knowledge benefited from, a good son praying for him.” [7] For this reason, it is encouraged to deal with branches of science and to deal with works that benefit people.

In many verses, Allah has clearly distinguished people who acquire knowledge from others. The verse: “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?”[8] is a good example of this. At the same time, there are many hadiths that encourage not only learning but also teaching.[9] “The world, with all that it contains, is accursed except for the remembrance of Allah that which pleases Allah; and the religious schools and seekers of knowledge.” [10] This hadith reflects the value that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave to those who learn and teach knowledge.

In the 122nd verse of the Surah At-Tawbah, in which the importance of learning science in the Quran is discussed from a different perspective; “However, it is not necessary for the believers to march forth all at once. Only a party from each group should march forth, leaving the rest to gain religious knowledge then enlighten their people when they return to them, so that they too may beware of evil.” It was ordered that not everyone should participate in the war even during the war, and that a group should be engaged in science.

The basis of the spiritual value that Islam gives to science is that research about created beings lead people to know the Creator. Every branch of science examines the perfect works of Allah’s creative artistry, and therefore every discovery leads humanity to know Him and admire the uniqueness of His creativity. “Knowing Allah [11]” (Mari Fetullah), which is reported as the source of all information in the Quran, is the most important reason for human existence.

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) saying;“The best of people is the one who is beneficial to people.”[12] has encouraged science and research because of the possibilities of presenting the acquired knowledge for the benefit of people.

When we look at the history of Islam, it is seen that scholars (scientists) have been trained in many fields. Some of those.

Ibn Sina (philosophy, medicine, astronomy)

Al-Farabi (literature, astronomy, philosophy)

Al- Khwarizmi (mathematics, astronomy, geography)

Imam Al- Ghazali (literature, logic, Islamic sciences)

Mewlana Jelaluddin Rumi (poet, mystic) and many more scientists were there whose their works are still used today.

[1] An-Nahl/17
[2] Taha/ 114, Al-Mujadela/11
[3] Al- ‘Alaq/1
[4] Muslim, Zikr 39., Bukhari, Ilim 10; Abu- Dawud, ilim 1
[5] The book in which the good and bad deeds that a person does in the world are written.
[6] Sadaqatul jariyah is ongoing charity (continuous rewards) received by us (for good actions     and deeds), that will not only benefit us in this life, but will continue to benefit us after our death. (Mosque, Bridge, Foundation, etc)
[7] Muslim, Wasiyat 14th, Abu-Dawud, Wasaya 14; Tirmidhi, Ahkam 36; Nasai wasaya 8
[8] Az-Zumer/9
[9] Bukhari, İlim 15, Zekat 5, Ahkam 3, I’tisam 13, Tewhid 45; Muslim, Musafirin 268
[10] Tirmidhi Zuhd 14 , Ibn-Majah,Zuhd 3
[11] Al- Hashr/22
[12] Bukhari,Maghazi,35


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