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Why Did Allah Create People?

According to Islamic belief, Allah created everything for a reason and with wisdom. [1] In a qudsi hadith [2] Allah says “I was a hidden treasure. I wanted to be known, so I created the creatures.” [3]

Allah has given each of his creatures [4] a reflection of his names and attributes (his divine characteristics) and revealed his own characteristics through the universe and human beings. Anyone with beauty wants to see and show their beauty just as an artist wants to exhibit their work, an author wants their book to be delivered to a large number of people, a person wearing a beautiful dress looks in the mirror, likes their appearance and wants to be seen in those dresses.[5] Allah created colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables of various colors and flavors, and stars in space in harmony with each other; and created human beings with the equipment to see and think about them, and thus to know their God. By thinking and observing, human beings comprehend the holy characteristics of Allah, for example; the fact that Allah is the one who provides sustenance with His name Razzak[6], provides life with His name Muhyi[7], and heals with His name Shafi[8]. Another important proof that one of the most important purposes for the creation of human beings is to “know Allah” is the mention of Allah, His names, his likes and dislikes on almost every page of the Qur’an.

In the Qur’an, Allah says; “I created jinn and humans only to serve me!”[9]. With the fact that many interpretations are made for the concept of servitude, the meanings ‘worshiping Allah’ and ‘knowing Allah’ are widely used. However; the concept of ‘servitude’ mentioned here is not an obligation imposed on humans and jinn, it is a feature placed in the essence of human beings in creation. [10] And humans and jinn also have the freedom whether to act in accordance with the purpose of their creation with their will. [11]

Allah warns people not to forget their purpose of coming to the world. He states that he did not create the world for play and entertainment purposes [12], that he created everything with wisdom and a plan [13], that people will be tested [14], that those who obey Allah’s orders and prohibitions in these tests will be rewarded [15], that those who disobey Allah will be punished in return for their deeds [16]. According to the Islamic belief; human beings who are distinguished from other living creatures by such perfect characteristics as intelligence, conscience and will, must make a sincere effort to lead a life in accordance with the reason for their creation and in line with Allah’s command.

[1] Rum/27
The name Hakîm (Al-Hakîm), one of the names of Allah, is mentioned in many places in the Qur’an; it means that He is the most judicious and wise.
[2]  A hadith whose meaning belongs to Allah and whose expression belongs to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
[3] Acluni, Keşfü’l-Hafa, 2, 132
[4] Creature: something created either animate or inanimate
[5]  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, one of the Islamic scholars, talks about this subject in more detail in the “Eleventh Word” in his work called “The Words”.
[6] Zariyat/58
[7] Fussilet/39
[8] Şuara/80
[9] Zariyat/56.
[10] Rum/30
[11] Bakara/256
[12] “Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between!.” (Enbiyâ/16)
[13] “Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure.”(Kamer/49) The meanings of wisdom and destiny are attributed to the concept of measure in this verse.
[14] “He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.” (Mülk/2)
[15] “Except to those who believe and work righteous deeds: For them is a Reward that will never fail.” (İnşikâk/25)
[16] “Those who reject the Verses of Allah and the Meeting with Him (in the Hereafter),- it is they who shall despair of My Mercy: it is they who will (suffer) a most grievous Penalty.    ” (Ankebût/23)